كتب الشروق أونلاين New Escalation Exposes the Role-Playing Game Between Macron, His Government..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد English New Escalation Exposes the Role Playing Game Between Macron, His GovernmentS.A English version Dalila Henache2025 03 0210Through its dirty methods, the French... , نشر في الأحد 2025/03/02 الساعة 07:30 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان .
New Escalation Exposes the Role-Playing Game Between Macron, His Government
S.A/English version: Dalila Henache
Through its dirty methods, the French government seeks to push the crisis with Algeria to the brink of a bottleneck by raising the tension with a series of actions and statements, which clearly reveal the true intentions of those behind the escalation campaign.
This systematic campaign, led by Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau on behalf of the far right, cannot take place outside the circle of presidential decision-making and without the knowledge of Emmanuel Macron.
Macron recently made statements from Portugal, which indicate that he is leaning towards appeasement and, consequently, mitigating the severity of this crisis in Algerian-French relations.
Just a few hours after the French president’s statements, his Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau, who leads the chorus of haters, gave instructions to the border police to expel the wife of the Algerian ambassador to Mali, who was prevented from entering French territory on the pretext that she did not have money. However, the diplomat’s wife was in a legal situation, as she had presented certificates of accommodation and insurance and her husband’s credit card.
This situation was described by a telegram from the Algerian Press Agency, published on Saturday evening, as “the height of provocation by the Interior Minister”, as things are now clear: “This Interior Minister, who has made Algeria his sole and only program, has decided to play the card of estrangement with Algeria at the expense of his president”, who called on Algeria to “re-engage in work” on immigration, stressing that “relations between the two countries will not move forward if there is no work, and we cannot talk to each other through the press”, adding that “relations should not be the subject of political disputes”, and “the situation with Algeria must be settled to restore confidence”, as reported by the agency.
Previously, the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed, in a statement, that the French authorities had taken restrictive measures against two nationals, which it had not been informed of. “The French authorities regretted the first case, in response to Algeria’s inquiry, and described it as an incidental event due to a dysfunction in the chain of command. The second case, which occurred recently, is still subject to a request for similar explanations addressed to the French authorities,” showing that these measures were taken unilaterally and without the knowledge of the Algerian authorities.
The announcement made by the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs on a television channel, concerning what he called “restrictive measures on movement and entry into French territory, taken against Algerian nationals holding special travel documents exempting them from visa procedures”, confirms the exchange of roles carried out by Macron’s government.
Accordingly, the statement added, “Algeria, which is a victim of this double discourse at the top of the French state apparatus, cannot remain idle and will take all the retaliatory measures imposed by this situation.”
Algeria has become the focus of French-French political disputes in which all kinds of dirty political bickering are permitted within the framework of a competition incited, directed and ordered by the extreme right.
This movement, which is dragging into its context, not only the French political forces but also members of the French government, will have unintended consequences on all aspects and dimensions of Algerian-French relations. Algeria has held France fully responsible for this, especially since it did not initiate any form of rupture.
However, it categorically rejects French arrogance and addresses it with “deadlines, warnings and threats.” The Foreign Ministry also considered, in another statement, that tampering with the 1968 agreement, which was originally emptied of all its content and essence, would result in a similar decision by Algeria regarding other agreements and protocols of the same nature.
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