كتب صراحة نيوز Orange Jordan Honored at ICT Diversity Leader Awards..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد Orange Jordan received a certificate of recognition at the IFC Jordan Diversity Trailblazer Awards ceremony for the ICT sector, held for the first time in Amman. The ceremony was launched by the International Finance Corporation in cooperation... , نشر في الثلاثاء 2025/03/04 الساعة 05:39 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان .
This recognition reflects Orange’s steadfast commitment to creating an inclusive work environment for its employees. The company has successfully increased women’s representation in management positions to 25.3%, marking a 5% increase since 2021. Overall female representation in the company has also risen significantly to 27%, reflecting a 2% increase during the same period.
Chief Executive Officer of Orange Jordan, Philippe Mansour, expressed his pride in this recognition, which adds to the company’s portfolio of achievements, including the GEEIS certificate for “gender equality”. He emphasized that this honoring reflects Orange’s deep commitment to empowering women, unlocking the potential of all employees, and fostering creativity and leadership in the IT and communications sectors. Mansour reaffirmed that establishing a distinguished work environment rooted in efficiency, diversity, and equal opportunities remains at the core of Orange’s strategy.
IFC Regional Director for the Middle East, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, Khawaja Aftab Ahmed, commented, “Employers in Jordan can play a pivotal role in attracting, supporting, retaining, and promoting women in the workforce,” said Khawaja Aftab Ahmed, Regional Director for the Middle East, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. “With these pioneering awards, we aim not only to recognize and reward employers who champion gender equality but also encourage others to adopt similar practices.”
In line with its motto “Orange is Here,” Orange Jordan reaffirms its ongoing commitment to supporting and empowering women at various career levels and enhancing their position in the technology and communications sector.
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