كتب صراحة نيوز Orange Foundation Graduates the Fifth Cohort of the Coding Academy through the “Digital Upskills and Employment” Program..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد Orange Foundation Jordan, in the presence of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Samira Al Zoubi, representing His Excellency the Minister of Digital Economy and... , نشر في الخميس 2025/03/13 الساعة 04:42 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان .
Orange Foundation Jordan, in the presence of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Samira Al-Zoubi, representing His Excellency the Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, Eng. Sami Smeirat, graduated the fifth cohort from the Coding Academy in Amman, which is the first cohort of the “Digital Skills Development and Employment” grant program. This program is funded by the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship as part of the “Youth, Technology and Jobs” project, which is supervised by the Digital Skills Association (Digiskills). It aims to supply the Jordanian labor market with digitally expert Jordanian youth who possess significant experience and knowledge in various technical fields. During the ceremony, 51 female and male students graduated in the field of software development.
The program, which was prepared by the Coding Academy in Amman and implemented under the umbrella of Orange Digital Centers (ODC), lasted for 5 months with 640 hours of intensive training, including 100 hours dedicated to advanced life skills eligible for employment, in addition to developing their English language skills. The program included training in a range of the most important programming and web application development languages, such as HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, PHP, MySQL, ReactJS, and Laravel.
In the fifth month, the participants joined a period of practical training in companies specialized in information technology and other sectors, where they had the opportunity to apply what they learned in a real work environment, which enhanced their digital skills, raised their readiness for the labor market, and contributed to increasing their job opportunities. The students have achieved great success in the program, with a graduation rate of 100%.
It is worth mentioning that about 40% of the graduates of this cohort have already succeeded in obtaining a job before they graduated from the program, and this percentage is expected to reach about 85% during the coming period, noting that a number of students may turn to entrepreneurial work.
The graduation ceremony was attended by prominent figures in the public and private sectors, along with several representatives of the leading technology companies in the Kingdom.
The Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, Eng. Sami Smeirat, stressed that the development of digital skills is vital to keep pace with the requirements of future jobs, which are largely based on technology and digital transformation across various sectors. He explained that the Ministry believes in the importance of investing in digital competencies as a pillar for Jordan’s digital future. It works in partnership with the private sector and Digiskills to empower young people and qualify them with skills that meet the needs of the changing labor market to build a leadership generation capable of leading the dig
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