اخبار عربية - ترند السعودية - ترند مصر

كتب صراحة نيوز Orange Jordan Signs Exclusive Agreement to Provide Telecommunications Services on Amman Vision Buses..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد Orange Jordan has signed an exclusive strategic partnership agreement with Amman Vision Transport Company, under which Orange, as the responsible digital leader and the Kingdom’s digital partner, will provide all Amman Vision buses with advanced... , نشر في الثلاثاء 2025/03/18 الساعة 11:49 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان .

The agreement was signed at Amman Vision headquarters in Abdali Boulevard, in the presence of the Director of B2B Sales at Orange Jordan, Abed Al Khatib, and the Chief Executive Officer of Amman Vision Transport, Eng. Mohammad Allimon.

This partnership represents a significant step forward in enhancing the smart transport system in the capital. It will contribute to improving the user experience and increasing the efficiency of the services provided by providing a reliable and fast internet connection for all Amman Vision buses and systems.

Orange Jordan emphasized the importance of digitally empowering the public transport sector and transforming Amman buses into an integrated smart system. The company added that it does not just provide communication services but also builds a solid foundation for smart cities that place the user experience at the heart of their operations, reflecting the firm commitment of the company to lead digital transformation in vital sectors in the Kingdom.

For its part, Amman Vision Company stressed its keenness to improve transport services in Amman and the governorates to serve citizens and provide all means of comfort on its buses, as well as through the provision of smart bus transport systems to enhance the efficiency of transport services and digital transformation and keep pace with development in all sectors, especially the transport and electronic payment sector.

Orange Jordan continues to develop its innovative solutions specifically designed to meet the requirements of the business sector and institutions, and these efforts reflect the company’s constant endeavor to keep pace with technological developments and provide added value to customers from various sectors.

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