كتب الشروق أونلاين MINURSO: A UN Exception in Disregarding Human Rights..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد English MINURSO A UN Exception in Disregarding Human RightsS.A English version Dalila Henache2025 03 2520Algeria denounced on Monday the failure to provide the United... , نشر في الثلاثاء 2025/03/25 الساعة 07:35 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان .
MINURSO: A UN Exception in Disregarding Human Rights
S.A/English version: Dalila Henache
Algeria denounced on Monday the failure to provide the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) with a human rights mandate, unlike similar missions.
Algeria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Amar Bendjama, emphasized in New York, “We have been lectured many times by some partners on the importance of monitoring and reporting on respect for human rights and the need to respect international law, including international humanitarian law. What is strange, however, regarding MINURSO, is that we were astonished by their silence or even their opposition.”
In his remarks at a UN Security Council meeting devoted to improving the adaptability of UN peacekeeping operations to new realities, Bendjama drew the audience’s attention to this shortcoming, which specifically affects MINURSO.
This behavior, the Algerian diplomat added, sends a signal that “MINURSO, as the exception among all UN peacekeeping operations deployed in Africa, is simply turning a blind eye to human rights violations.”
Bendjama stressed that “providing all UN peace operations, without exception, with a strong human rights component is essential to improving the work of UN missions in the field by monitoring and reporting violations.”
In general, Bendjama indicated that Algeria considers “the discussion on the future of UN peace operations and their adaptability to be an important issue for the Council and the international community, especially in a context where UN peace operations face significant challenges.”
He explained; “As we prepare for the ministerial conference on peacekeeping scheduled to be held in Berlin next May, we emphasize the importance of seizing all possible opportunities to develop a unified vision for the future of peacekeeping, particularly in terms of adaptability.” However, Algeria believes that UN peace operations “have shown their limits and require significant adjustments to effectively address new challenges,” the Algerian diplomat added.
In this regard, Algeria proposes, in addition to the human rights aspect, that the mandate granted to peacekeeping operations focus “on the core issues, taking into account the mission’s purpose and defining its ultimate objective as soon as possible.”
Bendjama continued, saying: “We are witnessing what can be described as ‘Christmas tree mandates,’ under which UN missions are given an overwhelming number of responsibilities, hindering their ability to carry out their intended missions.”
Nevertheless, he stressed that “partnerships are essential to improve the adaptability of UN peacekeeping operations,” adding, “We insist on strengthening cooperation between the UN and regional organizations, especially the African Union, which is a reliable partner in this regard.”
He also asserted that “adaptability requires promoting political solutions and integrating the peace-building dimension into the mandate of UN peacekeeping operations.”
“It is essential that UN peacekeeping operations uphold the priority of dialogue, respect for international law, and the right of peoples under foreign occupation to self-determination, within the framework of political efforts on the ground.”
Finally, Bendjama affirmed “Algeria’s commitment to supporting the work of UN peacekeeping operations by making its expertise in maintaining international peace and security available to the United Nations and the international community.”
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