كتب يمن مونيتور Ramadan in Yemen: Families Suffer Under the Weight of Crises..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد Yemen Monitor Special Reports Amidst successive economic crises, Yemenis are welcoming Ramadan this year with compounded pain, as the suffering of living in a country plagued by the collapse of its local currency is almost unbearable. Prices... , نشر في الأحد 2025/03/02 الساعة 02:12 ص بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان .
Yemen Monitor/Special Reports:
Amidst successive economic crises, Yemenis are welcoming Ramadan this year with compounded pain, as the suffering of living in a country plagued by the collapse of its local currency is almost unbearable. Prices in the markets fluctuate wildly, the Yemeni rial plummets against the US dollar, and there is a lack of sufficient cash liquidity and a ban on dealing with the 1,000 rial denomination, which has raised the prices of basic foodstuffs, making this Ramadan different from all previous years.
With the beginning of Ramadan, which used to be a season of joy and family gatherings, the city appears devoid of its usual activity. People do not dare to buy more than necessary, while the markets emanate a scent of recession, and many do not dare to leave them except with heavy burdens of worry and fear.
What was once the joy of Ramadan has become one suffering after another, as families are no longer able to provide their usual needs. The currency’s deterioration has forced families to limit themselves to the bare essentials, and what was once considered a luxury has become a distant luxury. With the rise in the prices of basic materials, it has become difficult to secure the components of Iftar and Suhoor, and even yogurt, which was considered an essential element on the Yemeni table, has become a distant solution for those who cannot afford it.
In this context, the impact of the crisis intensifies on the most vulnerable groups, who find themselves between the jaws of a pincer of rising prices and the interruption of salaries. In light of this reality, the holy month no longer carries its former meaning, but has turned into a major challenge in everyone’s life, as almost every family has to put in place a strict austerity plan to be able to overcome this difficult period.
The merchants themselves are not in the best condition. With the weak purchasing power of citizens, the markets have begun to witness a decline in sales volume. Most people can no longer buy their needs as they used to. The quantities they used to buy are now just a memory, and every commodity has its precious weight that imposes itself at the expense of daily requirements. Large food markets and well-known spice shops have become exclusive to a certain class in society.
In the midst of this continuous deterioration, questions are mounting about whether the government is able to take decisive steps to stop this collapse that affects the lives of millions of Yemenis, or whether the suffering will continue for years, leaving behind deep wounds in the hearts of people struggling to survive.
شاهد ramadan in yemen families
كانت هذه تفاصيل Ramadan in Yemen: Families Suffer Under the Weight of Crises نتمنى بان نكون قد وفقنا بإعطائك التفاصيل والمعلومات الكامله .
و تَجْدَرُ الأشارة بأن المقال الأصلي قد تم نشرة ومتواجد على يمن مونيتور ونحيطكم علما بان قام فريق التحرير في نبض الجديد بالتاكد منه وربما تم التعديل فيه وربما قد يكون تم النقل بالكامل اوالاقتباس منه ويمكنك قراءة ومتابعة مستجدادت هذا الخبر او المقال من مصدره الاساسي.