The 11th Saudi Film Festival Kicks Off in April with Yemen’s Participation.. اخبار عربية

نبض اليمن - يمن مونيتور

The 11th Saudi Film Festival Kicks Off in April with Yemen’s Participation

كتب يمن مونيتور The 11th Saudi Film Festival Kicks Off in April with Yemen’s Participation..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد Yemen Monitor Newsroom The Saudi Cinema Association has announced the launch of the 11th edition of the Saudi Film Festival, which will be held from April 17 to 23. The festival will feature Saudi, Gulf, and Arab films, as well as films from... , نشر في الأثنين 2025/03/10 الساعة 11:18 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان .

Yemen Monitor / Newsroom:

The Saudi Cinema Association has announced the launch of the 11th edition of the Saudi Film Festival, which will be held from April 17 to 23. The festival will feature Saudi, Gulf, and Arab films, as well as films from other countries, in collaboration with the King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture (Ithra) and with the support of the Film Commission.

A total of 68 films will be screened during the festival, alongside four seminars and four training programs, as well as three book-signing sessions for the Saudi Cinema Encyclopedia. The production market will feature 22 projects, and Saudi artist Ibrahim Al-Hassawi will be honored.

Ahmed Al-Mulla, the festival’s president, explained at a press conference that since its fifth edition, the festival has opened its doors to Gulf films, including not only the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries but also Iraq and Yemen. Films from these countries have been selected to participate in the competition.

The new edition will also spotlight Japanese cinema, featuring both long and short Japanese films, hosting cinema experts, and organizing a cultural seminar on the Japanese cinema experience.

It is worth noting that the Saudi Film Festival was founded in 2008 under the name “Saudi Film Competition.” After a seven-year hiatus, it was relaunched as the Saudi Film Festival and is currently managed by the Saudi Cinema Association.

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شاهد the 11th saudi film festival

كانت هذه تفاصيل The 11th Saudi Film Festival Kicks Off in April with Yemen’s Participation نتمنى بان نكون قد وفقنا بإعطائك التفاصيل والمعلومات الكامله .

و تَجْدَرُ الأشارة بأن المقال الأصلي قد تم نشرة ومتواجد على يمن مونيتور ونحيطكم علما بان قام فريق التحرير في نبض الجديد بالتاكد منه وربما تم التعديل فيه وربما قد يكون تم النقل بالكامل اوالاقتباس منه ويمكنك قراءة ومتابعة مستجدادت هذا الخبر او المقال من مصدره الاساسي.

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