كتب الشروق أونلاين French Colonialism Is Not Like Any Other And The Day of Apology Will Come..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد English French Colonialism Is Not Like Any Other And The Day of Apology Will ComeMohamed Meslem English Version Med.B.2025 03 1160The bold and unprecedented statements by... , نشر في الثلاثاء 2025/03/11 الساعة 07:42 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان .
French Colonialism Is Not Like Any Other And The Day of Apology Will Come
Mohamed Meslem / English Version: Med.B.
The bold and unprecedented statements by French journalist Jean-Michel Abate have opened the debate in France about France’s colonial past in Algeria in a more profound way, and prompted specialists to return to this issue, including the well-known historian Benjamin Stora, an Algerian-born French national.
In this context, French historian Benjamin Stora expressed his frustration with the campaign he is facing in France because of how he dealt with France’s colonial past in Algeria, which many dreamers of the pre-1962 era claim is biased in favor of the Algerian side, as they claim.
Stora said: “When you spend forty years of your life researching and working on this history (the history of French colonialism in Algeria), and then some people accuse you of destroying the unity of France. While all my work was aimed at rehabilitating France, which rejects this issue,” Stora said.
The academic spoke of French figures who were courageous in criticizing French practices in Algeria, such as writer François Mauriac, who denounced torture during the Liberation Revolution, which the French refer to as the “Algerian War,” as well as activist Germaine Thillon and lawyer Giselle Halimi, whose positions were “very important,” according to a television program on French Channel 5 on Monday night and Tuesday.
Contrary to what some French people, especially circles that are still traumatized by Algeria’s independence, Benjamin Stora emphasizes that Algerians have never asked France for “repentance” (REPENTANCE), because this term is close to religious considerations and far from political quarrels, but they have demanded and continue to demand an apology for the crimes of colonization.
The French side is responsible for postponing the memory wars, because in 2005, it enacted a law glorifying French colonial practices, a law that caused a wave of criticism in former French colonies, including Algeria, which responded by dropping a draft friendship treaty with Algeria, which had been prepared by former President Jacques Chirac.
For his part, journalist Jean-Michel Abbate, who was present on the same program, did not fail to emphasize his firm stance on the French colonization of Algeria, saying in a confident tone: “The day will come when the French will apologize for colonizing Algerians, for stealing their land, for exposing them to famine, for bringing them grief. It will have to wait a little longer for political officials in France to recognize that the invasion of Algeria in 1830 was a mistake.”
To distinguish between the true nature of the colonization of Algeria and other countries, Jean-Michel Abate used the example of the French presence on the island of Corsica, which still belongs to France, and the French colonization of Algeria, pointing out that France retained its presence on the island of Corsica because of the way it dealt with its inhabitants, so that the French army did not steal their land from them, unlike what it did in Algeria, where it stole land, and when you steal a country’s land, it is a crime that requires an apology, noting that it takes time for the French to be convinced.
Benjamin Stora stressed that the French colonization of Algeria was different from others, whether in Indochina, Morocco, Tunisia or Senegal. Algeria was subordinate to the French Ministry of the Interior, Stora said, unlike the rest of the countries that were colonized by France, which were subordinate to the Ministry of Colonies.
شاهد french colonialism is not like
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