39 Killed and Injured in Overnight U.S. Airstrikes on Houthis in Yemen.. اخبار عربية

نبض اليمن - يمن مونيتور

39 Killed and Injured in Overnight U.S. Airstrikes on Houthis in Yemen

كتب يمن مونيتور 39 Killed and Injured in Overnight U.S. Airstrikes on Houthis in Yemen..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد Yemen Monitor Sana 8217;a Exclusive Thirty nine Yemenis were killed or injured in U.S. airstrikes on the Houthi controlled provinces of Sana 8217;a and Sa 8217;ada. The armed group claimed that the casualties were civilians, according... , نشر في الأحد 2025/03/16 الساعة 04:03 ص بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان .

Yemen Monitor / Sana’a / Exclusive:

Thirty-nine Yemenis were killed or injured in U.S. airstrikes on the Houthi-controlled provinces of Sana’a and Sa’ada. The armed group claimed that the casualties were civilians, according to its media outlets and officials.

President Donald Trump, who ordered the strikes, warned the Houthis that if they did not cease their attacks, they would “witness a hell unlike anything seen before.”

According to Houthi media, 19 civilians were killed and 20 others were injured in the two provinces.

In Sana’a, the Houthis reported that U.S. aircraft targeted a residential neighborhood in the Shu’aub district, north of the capital, killing 9 people and injuring 9 others, all allegedly civilians.

Later, the health ministry under the armed group stated that the death toll had risen to 19.

In Sa’ada, the Houthis claimed that an airstrike in the Sha’af area of Saqin district killed one civilian and injured another.

Additionally, they reported that four children and a woman were killed, and ten others—including women and children—were injured in U.S. airstrikes on two homes in the Quhza area, north of Sa’ada city.

The U.S. Central Command announced on Sunday that its operations against the Houthis in Yemen were ongoing.

Houthi sources and media reported that U.S. airstrikes on Saturday and Sunday targeted the provinces of Dhamar, Sa’ada, Al-Bayda, Hajjah, and Marib, in addition to the capital, Sana’a.

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شاهد 39 killed and injured in

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