كتب التيار الوطني الحر Bassil at the Movement’s Annual Conference: We are the Free Patriotic Decision and the Opposition, and we warn against compromising the electoral law and the selective application of eliminating political sectarianism...اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد The President of the Free Patriotic Movement, MP Gebran Bassil, emphasized in his speech during the Movement’s annual conference that the Movement was born from the womb of the army—the opposite of militias—and most importantly, from the womb of... , نشر في الأثنين 2025/03/17 الساعة 08:37 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان .
The President of the Free Patriotic Movement, MP Gebran Bassil, emphasized in his speech during the Movement’s annual conference that the Movement was born from the womb of the army—the opposite of militias—and most importantly, from the womb of the Free Patriotic Decision. He warned against compromising the electoral law and true partnership, highlighting the danger of abolishing political sectarianism in a selective manner. He stressed the importance of addressing the Syrian displacement dilemma, reaffirming the Movement’s stance on decentralization and its role as a positive and constructive opposition.
The annual conference was held in the presence of President General Michel Aoun, deputies, vice presidents, and cadres of the Movement, alongside a large crowd from district and local bodies. A notable youth presence was recorded through speeches delivered by members of the Movement, covering various topics and outlining the Movement’s roadmap for the next stage. Martine Najm Kteily, Vice President for Political Affairs, read the political paper, and Ghassan al-Khoury, Vice President for Administrative Affairs, discussed organizational matters. The conference was preceded by a session of the National Council, which approved both the political paper and the annual budget.
Bassil stated, “The Movement continues to commemorate March 14 because it lives in it. March 14 is simply three words: Freedom, Sovereignty, and Independence.” Addressing the young men and women of the Movement, he said, “This is how we started: the Free Patriotic Decision. In 1988, when they asked the General who he relied on abroad in his war against Syria, his answer was, ‘I rely on my people.’ We are the same today—the Free Patriotic Decision.”
Bassil added, “When I was asked in 2022 who I relied on to say ‘no’ to the Axis of Resistance and its presidential candidate, my answer was: I rely on my conviction and conscience. And when I was asked in 2025 why I wanted to stay alone and reject the candidate of the Western Axis, my answer was: I remain with the freedom of my decision and the dignity of my Movement, with the Free Patriotic Decision and all its people.”
He noted that the Movement will remain the Free Patriotic Decision because Lebanon faces existential dangers from within and without. “We are most in need of the Free Patriotic Decision—it is what protects and preserves us. It preserves our existence and shields Lebanon from projects of fragmentation and sectarian wars that have turned Syria into a sovereign state yet a fragmented society plagued by sectarian conflicts.”
On the Syrian issue, he emphasized that the bloody scene challenges the Lebanese to protect diversity and identity. He warned that Israel’s occupation of new Lebanese territories, coupled with international silence and internal complacency, exposes Lebanon to Israel’s expansionist project—one not halted by the ceasefire agreement or Resolution 1701. “This is an existential danger we must recognize in its comprehensive scope, spanning Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon,” Bassil said, “which urges us to call for a national meeting to formulate a project that preserves Lebanon’s existence as an entity and a state.”
Bassil stressed that it is the Free Patriotic Decision that allows Lebanon to distance itself from regional conflicts. “Lebanon is not isolated, but it can isolate itself from sectarian strife and the poison of division and expansionism. It should not be part of an axis interfering in the affairs and interests of countries to involve them in wars, nor should it harm the countries of the region, their borders, rights, or existence.”
He insisted that Lebanon’s interest lies in a state that holds the national decision, free from any external influence, backed by military, financial, and economic capacities to protect itself and its interests. “We do not call for Lebanon’s weakness and dependency,” he said. “On the contrary, we call for its strength and independence, gathering all elements of power within a national defense strategy led by the state—without excluding anyone.”
1. Syrian Refugees: “A Free Patriotic Decision enables a practical government plan for the return of Syrian refugees, transforming the rejection of resettlement from a slogan into a concrete plan that leverages our strengths to convince countries and achieve results.” 2. Foreign and Internal Policies: “It allows us to set conditions for a just peace that secures our rights, builds a foreign policy that neutralizes us from conflicts, and protects our resources and sovereignty—alongside an internal policy that preserves our identity.” 3. Weapons Issue: “A Free Patriotic Decision allows us to address the issue of all weapons with sovereign responsibility—ensuring the state monopolizes arms, decides on war and peace, and defends Lebanon when Israel attacks and withdraws when Israel gives us back our rights.” 4. Oil and Gas Extraction: “It allows Lebanon to extract oil and gas without waiting for external approval and to overcome artificial internal obstacles.” 5. Economic Reforms: “It enables us to implement reforms, not under foreign dictates, but to stop economic collapse—restructuring finances and banks, and recovering looted and smuggled funds.”
Bassil emphasized, “If someone asks why we are doing all this, we say: this is our idea and our policy. The circumstances and countries may not be with us, but if they are with you, go ahead—we are with you.”
He underlined that the Free Patriotic Decision is why the Movement is in opposition today. “We are out of government for two reasons: first, our freedom of decision prevents us from accepting what others have accepted—underrepresentation, as in 2005 and again in 2025. Second, they do not want us inside because they fear our Free Patriotic Decision. They fear we will reject their demands if they do not serve Lebanon’s interests.”
Bassil added, “The Movement proved it was unaffected by the wave of pressure on Lebanon and had the courage to say ‘no.’ If you cannot say no to your friend comfortably, he is not a friend but a master. We have friends in the world, not masters.”
He explained, “Opposition is not sulking or sabotage; it is an incentive for government success. It monitors and questions. We are forming a shadow government to follow every ministry, help where needed, and criticize where necessary.”
Bassil addressed those who failed Lebanon by holding grudges against Aoun and the Movement. “Abandon hatred—don’t cause another failure for Lebanon and its new president. Dare to make a free decision. Lebanon faces existential dangers, and we need to avoid sectarian strife and preserve Lebanon as a centralized state with expanded decentralization—fair development that benefits all regions.”
He stressed, “We have a new government fully supported from outside, with broad internal approval. They have a task: implement Resolution 1701 and disarm Hezbollah. We support them in this mission—but oppose disarmament through civil war and normalization with Israel without a just peace.”
On the Syrian refugees, Bassil said, “We were against the Syrian regime in 2005, then worked for friendly relations regardless of regime. Today, the Syrian army is gone, but the refugee crisis remains. We will not stay silent about an international conspiracy that allows their settlement. Our decision is patriotic and free.”
He noted, “We, Aoun’s children in the Free Patriotic Movement, demand the departure of the Syrian refugee ‘army’ from Lebanon—just as General Aoun demanded Syria’s withdrawal in 1989.”
Bassil called on the current government and its supporters to take action. “You hold all the ministries and files. We are ready for accountability. If you find any scandal involving us—take us to court. But if you find nothing, apologize to the people.”
He pointed to the halted forensic audit. “We demanded it and started with the Central Bank. It was stopped when frightening facts emerged. The Prime Minister promised to continue—go ahead and fulfill that promise. Start with us—but start!”
On reforms and deposits, Bassil said, “Without recovering transferred funds, talk about returning deposits is meaningless. We pursue cases like Forry, Optimum, and Riad Salameh abroad—but you are the government. What will you do?”
He criticized the recent budget approval. “A budget with crazy taxes and no reforms, approved without proper review—is this the reformist vision? The Movement will challenge this budget in court.”
Regarding decentralization, Bassil called on the Prime Minister to present his project to the government and parliament. “Approve it or adopt the Movement’s proposal in Parliament. This fulfills a core clause of Taif and opens the path to others, like the Senate and the comprehensive abolition of sectarianism.”
شاهد bassil at the movement s annual
كانت هذه تفاصيل Bassil at the Movement’s Annual Conference: We are the Free Patriotic Decision and the Opposition, and we warn against compromising the electoral law and the selective application of eliminating political sectarianism. نتمنى بان نكون قد وفقنا بإعطائك التفاصيل والمعلومات الكامله .
و تَجْدَرُ الأشارة بأن المقال الأصلي قد تم نشرة ومتواجد على التيار الوطني الحر ونحيطكم علما بان قام فريق التحرير في نبض الجديد بالتاكد منه وربما تم التعديل فيه وربما قد يكون تم النقل بالكامل اوالاقتباس منه ويمكنك قراءة ومتابعة مستجدادت هذا الخبر او المقال من مصدره الاساسي.