International Tender To Buy 2100 Containers… With A Profit Of $ 20 Million Per Week.. اخبار عربية

نبض الجزائر - الشروق أونلاين

International Tender To Buy 2100 Containers… With A Profit Of $ 20 Million Per Week

كتب الشروق أونلاين International Tender To Buy 2100 Containers… With A Profit Of $ 20 Million Per Week..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد English International Tender To Buy 2100 Containers… With A Profit Of 20 Million Per WeekHassan Houicha English Version Med.B.2025 03 1810Madar Maritime Transport... , نشر في الثلاثاء 2025/03/18 الساعة 07:42 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان .


International Tender To Buy 2100 Containers… With A Profit Of $ 20 Million Per Week

Hassan Houicha / English Version: Med.B.




Madar Maritime Transport Company launched a national and international tender for the purchase of 4 quotas of containers of various sizes as part of efforts to strengthen its hangar, following a previous operation it had announced to purchase two new ships, as part of the country’s top authorities’ efforts to beef up the national maritime fleet to break the dominance of international shipping companies.

The move came from an open national and international tender announcement with a minimum capacity requirement number 02/2024 (acquisition of containers), for Madar Maritime Company (Madar Maritime Company), which was reviewed by “Echorouk”.

“MADAR MARITIME COMPANY EPE/SPA announces the launch of an international open tender announcement with minimum capacity requirement No. 2024/02 with the aim of acquiring (04) four quotas of new containers from interested companies,” the document reads.

According to the tender, the containers to be purchased by this public company have been divided into four lots with different dimensions, the first consisting of 1,036 TEU standard (twenty-foot equivalent unit), the second lot of 900 FEU high (forty-foot equivalent unit), a type of thermal container with an electric refrigeration device.

The third lot will include 100 standard REEFER TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent unit), while the last lot will include 100 high REEFER FEUs (forty-foot equivalent unit), both of which are refrigerated containers, which are used to transport mostly foodstuffs.

According to the announcement, those interested in participating in this tender can register on the company’s website (, and a download link will be sent to them if they are accepted.

The announcement set April 27, 2025 as the deadline for submitting bids, which corresponds to the last day of the 40-day period given for the preparation of bids, with the opening of the envelopes on the same day.

Madar Maritime Transport announced last November that it had begun the process of acquiring the first two vessels for its maritime fleet this year, in a move aimed at strengthening the national maritime fleet, especially in the field of bulk cargo carriers.

Established in August 2024 with a capital of 4 billion Algerian dinars, Madar Maritime is specialized in maritime transport and logistics, and aims to contribute to strengthening the national maritime fleet and expanding its capabilities to support the country’s economy, whether in export or import operations.

In this context, Mr.  Rachid Hadj Hani, a specialist in international cargo transportation and logistics, told “Echorouk” that Madar Maritime has purchased its first ship and intends to purchase a second ship to put it into service in the future, noting that the launch of national carriers in shipping would curb the bleeding of hard currency, save at least $20 million per week, and impose competition on foreign companies.

Mr. Hadj Hani said that this tender, which aims to acquire new containers for the public company, will make it a national and not a foreign company, noting that the public company Madar is in the process of proposing several solutions for maritime services to economic operators, who want fast and efficient services with national and not foreign companies.

The launch of this company and the strengthening of its fleet and capabilities, in addition to other national companies in this field, came out of the fact that the shipping market to and from Algeria is dominated by foreign companies, he said, noting that the authorities, in order to strengthen sovereignty and ensure the transportation of as much goods and cargo as possible through national companies, provided incentives to operators in this field, including canceling the value added tax (T.V.A.).

These operations would reduce the bleeding of currency by at least $20 million per week, thereby curbing the bleeding of hard currency in favor of foreign companies, Hani said.

“The entry of national competitors in this field will force international foreign companies to reduce prices due to the imposed competition, which is in the interest of the country and the economy,” he said.


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