كتب الشروق أونلاين How The Moroccan Regime Underestimates Its Own People..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد English How The Moroccan Regime Underestimates Its Own People Mohammed Meslem English Version Med.B.2025 03 1010False Moroccan propaganda has reached a pathological state... , نشر في الأثنين 2025/03/10 الساعة 07:21 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان .
How The Moroccan Regime Underestimates Its Own People
Mohammed Meslem / English Version: Med.B.
False Moroccan propaganda has reached a pathological state of mindlessness, as it talks about the Alawite kingdom’s imminent acquisition of a number of fifth-generation American F-35 stealth aircraft, days after news about the receipt of a few Apache helicopters, in a hint of Rabat’s desire to restore the balance of power in the region.
This propaganda came a few weeks after leaks about Algeria’s imminent acquisition of a number of Russian fifth-generation stealth aircraft, the Sukhoi 57, a deal that, according to many specialists in military affairs, upset the balance of power in the Maghreb region between the two arch-rivals, Algeria and the Moroccan regime.
The Moroccan regime is used to adopting propaganda that usually fails in the face of any progress made by its eastern neighbor at all levels, and this time it chose the military dimension in an attempt to hypnotize the Moroccan public opinion, which had seen the Sukhoi 57 deal and its impact on the reversal of the balance of power in the region, hence the “lie” of the F-35.
The Alaouite regime in Rabat knows that obtaining the latest stealth aircraft in America is one of the seven impossibilities, given Washington’s strict doctrine in this regard, which has prevented NATO member countries, closer to the United States, in the form of Turkey, as well as all the active Gulf centers that were denied the same privilege despite the strong and solid economic interests between the two parties.
False propaganda is a structural tool in the functioning of the embattled Moroccan regime, which used to do one thing and its opposite in undeniable cases, which can be summarized in stations that are only a few months old.
When the Moroccan regime lost its legal battle against the Polisario Front at the level of the European Court of Justice last fall, regarding the fishing and agricultural products agreement, the Moroccan Foreign Ministry, through Minister Nasser Bourita, issued a laughable statement that the case does not concern the Moroccan regime, but rather the European Union, knowing that the decision explicitly talks about preventing Rabat from exporting products or fish originating from the occupied Sahrawi territories to the European Union as Moroccan products.
After the Moroccan regime’s candidate, Latifa Akherbash, lost to her Algerian counterpart, Selma Malika Haddadi, in the early stages of the race, the official Moroccan news agency came out with a telegram stating that Algeria was unable to win membership in the African Commission, as if the Kingdom was not a party to this race, and did not recognize the loss until after Moroccan diplomatic and academic figures came out demanding the head of Minister Bourita, as he was the cause of what happened.
The third stop is the decision issued by the International Sports Court (TAS) about two weeks ago regarding the Nahdet Berkane jersey. After the court ruled that the Moroccan team was prohibited from wearing clothing with political signs or propaganda, the Moroccan propaganda mouthpieces came out to say that the Algerian team, the Algerian Union of Algeria, had lost its case against its Moroccan counterpart, in a laughable scene.
After many specialists and fair-minded people in the Alaouite Kingdom countered this propaganda, and began to think and deal with the decision that has become a fait accompli, those in charge of football affairs in Morocco came out with a ridiculous statement that the decision of the “TAS” court is addressed to the African Union and not to Nahdet Berkane!!!
Such practices indicate that the Alaouite regime does not view the Moroccan people as beings with minds that think and distinguish, but rather as mere tools that absorb what comes to their ears and eyes, and perhaps this is related to a few people or the so-called “ayasha” who still believe that they saw their king in the moon!
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