These Are The Real Reasons Behind The French Targeting Of Algeria.. اخبار عربية

نبض الجزائر - الشروق أونلاين

These Are The Real Reasons Behind The French Targeting Of Algeria

كتب الشروق أونلاين These Are The Real Reasons Behind The French Targeting Of Algeria..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد English These Are The Real Reasons Behind The French Targeting Of AlgeriaMohamed Meslem English Version Med.B.2025 03 0310French Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau has... , نشر في الأثنين 2025/03/03 الساعة 07:28 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان .


These Are The Real Reasons Behind The French Targeting Of Algeria

Mohamed Meslem / English Version: Med.B.




French Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau has implicitly admitted that the justifications raised by French authorities to push the pace of escalation with Algeria go beyond the imprisonment of French writer Boualem Sansal and the issue of migration, to other more serious issues related to the former colony’s economic and cultural (identity) interests in Algeria.

For the first time, a French official spoke for the first time that French economic and cultural interests in Algeria are more damaged than ever before.

In an interview with BFMTV and RMC, the French interior minister spoke about the dire state of the French language in Algeria after it was replaced by English in primary schools, and the loss of privileges that French companies used to enjoy in Algeria, allegedly because they were put on “black lists,” referring to the denial of public procurement.

French experts and specialists had previously talked about the exposure of French economic interests in Algeria in recent years, especially in the last few months, and pointed to their country’s loss of the market for wheat, red meat, cheese and dairy products, but none of the official French officials addressed this issue, and their discourse remained limited to political, diplomatic and immigration issues.

It is clear from the words of the French official, who is affiliated with the traditional Christian religious right, which is considered more extreme than the extreme right, that the provocative and unprecedented statements and actions of the French authorities towards Algeria clearly reflect the extent of the damage done to his country’s interests, which prompted him to work relentlessly to target Algerian interests in France, especially migrants and the community in general, with arbitrary measures that have already been ruled illegal by the French judiciary, as was the case with influencer Doualemn, who turned out to be the victim of an illegal practice by French Interior Minister  Bruno Retailleau.

In this regard, Professor of Political Science at the University of Algiers, Mr. Tewfik Bougada, believes that Bruno Retailleau’s goal is to push Algerian-French relations to rot, by increasing tension in the hope of obtaining political gains, in reference to his readiness to run for the presidency of the Republican Party, which suffers from a vacancy in the post of president, after the expulsion of its former president last summer, Eric Cioti, for his alliance with Marine Le Pen’s far-right party (National Rally) in the legislative elections, which it lost by finishing fourth in the legislative elections.

In a statement to Echorouk, Mr. Bougada said that “Retailleau has made the issue of Algeria a Trojan horse to attract political support from the French right and far-right.”

At the same time, the right-wing politician’s actions “express the clarity of the French state’s map in how it deals with the diplomatic crisis and its desire to take it to the maximum level of tension so that it can, according to its calculations, correct the imbalance in the relationship, whether by revising the 1968 immigration agreement, imposing the share of French companies in the Algerian market or by making Algeria the police of Europe on the southern bank of the Mediterranean Sea,” Mr. Bougada argued.

In the interview, Retailleau refused to submit to the French president’s decision not to unilaterally review or cancel the 1968 agreement, in a clear rejection of the method of “deadlines and threats” to which the interior minister has dragged his government and its president, François Bayrou, in an iron fist that emphasizes the extent of the weakness of the French presidency under Macron.

Regarding the iron fist policy between the French Interior Minister and his President Emmanuel Macron, which emerged through Retailleau’s  recent statements regarding the crisis with Algeria, the political analyst believes that “the French political choir is working in harmony regarding Algeria, and what Retailleau stated does not contradict what Macron had expressed in Portugal, which is that everyone has become convinced that the ruling leadership in Algeria has become a threat to the interests of Paris even on the African continent and that their nails must be trimmed.”


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