Algerian-Chinese Agreement to Manufacture Auto Parts Locally.. اخبار عربية

نبض الجزائر - الشروق أونلاين

Algerian-Chinese Agreement to Manufacture Auto Parts Locally

كتب الشروق أونلاين Algerian-Chinese Agreement to Manufacture Auto Parts Locally..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد English Algerian Chinese Agreement to Manufacture Auto Parts LocallyImane kimouche English version Dalila Henache2025 03 0410On Monday, Minister of Industry Sifi Ghrieb... , نشر في الثلاثاء 2025/03/04 الساعة 04:33 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان .


Algerian-Chinese Agreement to Manufacture Auto Parts Locally

Imane kimouche/English version: Dalila Henache




On Monday, Minister of Industry Sifi Ghrieb supervised the signing of a preliminary agreement protocol between EPE Anabib SPA, a subsidiary of the National Iron and Steel Company Holding SNS, and the Chinese company Auto Lumière SARL, specializing in the manufacture of auto spare parts.

This agreement aims to enhance local manufacturing of spare parts using advanced technologies, which contributes to reducing the import bill and developing national production capabilities.

According to previous publications by the SNS or Emetal Group, the agreement revolves around the production of auto parts, including injection moulding to produce precise and high-quality components. It also covers the manufacture of car lights, such as tri-colour and single-colour lights, bumpers, and other plastic parts used in vehicle manufacturing.

This partnership is expected to allow the transfer of Chinese expertise and technology to Algeria, enhancing the efficiency and competitiveness of local production in this strategic sector.

During his supervision of the signing ceremony, the Minister of Industry, Dr Sifi Ghrieb, explained the importance of this project in supporting the local manufacturing of spare parts and reducing dependence on imports, noting that this partnership is part of the government’s efforts to strengthen the automotive industry in Algeria.

He also stressed that cooperation with highly experienced companies, such as Auto Lumière SARL, represents an opportunity to develop an industry based on innovation and quality. This supports Algeria’s drive to build a strong industrial fabric capable of meeting the local market’s needs and exporting abroad.

This agreement is a pivotal step to strengthen Algeria’s position as an industrial hub in the region, as it reflects a strategic orientation towards developing the automotive industry locally while focusing on innovation and quality and taking advantage of modern technology to strengthen the national industrial sector.


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