French Acknowledge Algeria Holds the Upper Hand in the Conflict.. اخبار عربية

نبض الجزائر - الشروق أونلاين

French Acknowledge Algeria Holds the Upper Hand in the Conflict

كتب الشروق أونلاين French Acknowledge Algeria Holds the Upper Hand in the Conflict..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد English French Acknowledge Algeria Holds the Upper Hand in the ConflictMohamed Moslem English version Dalila Henache2025 03 2210After nearly eight months of an iron fist... , نشر في السبت 2025/03/22 الساعة 07:45 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان .


French Acknowledge Algeria Holds the Upper Hand in the Conflict

Mohamed Moslem / English version: Dalila Henache




After nearly eight months of an iron fist between Algeria and Paris, French politicians and diplomats began discussing the crisis’s consequences and the losses they could incur if the status quo persists, especially now that the dream of releasing the naturalized Algerian writer has become increasingly distant.

Since last Thursday, the day of Sansal’s trial at the Algiers Dar Bida Court, and after the announcement of the sentence sought against him, the political and media elite have revolted against those overseeing the case, warning of the “French” writer’s death in prison if the status quo persists.

The French believed that Algeria’s current leadership was no different from its predecessors, and that it would not dare to confront French threats and release Boualem Sansal. However, as the

weeks and months passed, their “writer” remained imprisoned, and the trial shocked the French.

Former French Ambassador to Algeria Xavier Driencourt expressed pessimism about Sansal’s fate, anticipating the worst. He did not rule out that this issue could take on unpleasant dimensions for the French due to their President, Emmanuel Macron, ‘s biased position on the Western Sahara issue in favor of the Moroccan regime.

In an interview with the right-wing radio station Europe 1, Driencourt criticized the strategy adopted by his country’s authorities in managing the crisis with Algeria. On the one hand, Paris wants to release Boualem Sansal, while on the other, it is sending Minister of Culture Rachida Dati to the occupied Sahrawi territories, which Algeria considers a red line.

The retired diplomat acknowledges that, nearly eight months after the outbreak of the crisis, the initiative remains with the Algerian authorities, who have managed it intelligently, unlike the French side, which is beset by sharp disagreements, marked by the positions of Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau and Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot. These contradictions have allowed the Algerian side to prevail to this day.

According to the author of “The Algerian Enigma,” the French talk a lot but do nothing, while the Algerian side doesn’t talk much but achieves what it wants. He called on his country’s authorities to adopt the Algerian approach, characterized by ambiguity and surprise, which has enabled them to achieve success in the ongoing conflict.

Bruno Retailleau’s statement is consistent with leaks to the newspaper Le Parisien, which spoke of anger within François Bayrou’s government at the Interior Minister, who has received numerous slaps in the face without achieving a single accomplishment that would justify his continued tenure. According to the newspaper, the same source accused Retailleau of being “very noisy, and when asked for solutions, he doesn’t offer a single one.”

Driencourt revealed, on this occasion, a decision issued by the Algerian authorities on Thursday, March 20, prohibiting French aid to private schools in Algeria for teaching the French language. This decision was considered a severe blow to French cultural interests in Algeria and a disastrous consequence of the mismanagement of the current crisis.

The French diplomat admits that the Algerian authorities have changed their approach to dealing with France, causing it to lose the favor it enjoyed in its former colony. He has observed this since 2020, based on his experience as an ambassador to Algeria, having served there in two phases: the first from 2008 to 2012, and the second from 2017 to 2020.

During the fires that swept through the Kabylie region, Algerian authorities prevented an embassy envoy from traveling to Tizi Ouzou city to offer its gratitude to the French protection force who participated in the firefighting efforts, because it lacked the necessary documentation. He also stated that he was forced to remove a French flag that had been hung on the door of his residence in El Biar (Algiers), on the occasion of the celebration of French National Day on July 14, 2020, and was asked to install it elsewhere inside the residence so that it would not be visible from the outside.

Driencourt was then forced to submit a request to the French president to relieve him of his duties, as he was no longer able to perform his duties properly. This was a rare occurrence, as before that date, the French ambassador to Algeria was an influential figure whose requests were never turned down.

In an interview with France 5, French historian Benjamin Stora described the current crisis between the two capitals as an unprecedented one. It has been preceded by crises such as the nationalization of hydrocarbons and the visit of former French President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing to Alge

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