كتب الشروق أونلاين French Calls For Italian Mediation To Overcome Crisis With Algeria..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد English French Calls For Italian Mediation To Overcome Crisis With AlgeriaMohamed Meslem English Version Med.B.2025 03 0210The French side is trying to reduce the cause of... , نشر في الأحد 2025/03/02 الساعة 07:00 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان .
French Calls For Italian Mediation To Overcome Crisis With Algeria
Mohamed Meslem / English Version: Med.B.
The French side is trying to reduce the cause of the worsening crisis between Algeria and France to the imprisonment of French writer of Algerian origin Boualem Sansal, in a desperate attempt to skip the main cause, which is the illegal and immoral position of French President Emmanuel Macron on the Sahrawi issue.
In a desperate attempt to bypass the root cause, which is French President Emmanuel Macron’s illegal and immoral stance on the Sahrawi issue, French media outlets are using a misleading rhetoric to blame Algeria for what is happening in bilateral relations, which are closer than ever to a historic break on all fronts.
They talk about Algeria’s alleged refusal to receive its nationals who have been expelled from French territory, and allow themselves to interfere in Algeria’s internal affairs by daring to demand the release of writer Boualem Sansal, who is subject to judicial procedures that must be exhausted as required by customs, while few of them are fair-minded.
They hold the French party responsible for what is happening, and link it to the provocation issued by their president last summer, when he decided to support the Moroccan regime’s plan in Western Sahara, and then adopted an ongoing provocative approach by sending senior French officials, such as Culture Minister Rachida Dati and Senate President Gérard Larcher, to visit the disputed territory.
In this regard, former French Ambassador to Algeria Xavier Driencourt called on his country’s authorities to call on Italy to mediate with Algeria for the release of prisoner Boualem Sansal, taking advantage of the level of relations between Algeria and Rome, which has turned into the first European partner at various levels, economic, political and diplomatic.
In an interview for the “Point of View” corner of the website of the French newspaper Le Figaro, Xavier Driencourt said: “I fear that the crisis with Algeria will continue until the end of (French) President Emmanuel Macron’s term,” he said, not hesitating to give advice to his country’s authorities: “I have been calling for weeks, maybe months, for a radical change in our relations with Algeria.”
“Algeria is on good terms with Italy, currently led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, 92-year-old President Sergio Mattarella and 79-year-old President Tebboune, for the release of Franco-Algerian writer Boualem Sansal,” said Driançor, suggesting that Paris approach Italy to play a mediating role, in order to free the imprisoned writer on charges of treason, espionage and harming the country’s interests.
On the other hand, he expressed despair that the European Union could play any role in this regard, because it is preoccupied with the Ukrainian issue in Eastern Europe, while the Maghreb region remains a “French issue,” as he put it, which makes Paris lose a card that some French people have always bet on in the conflict with Algeria.
The words of the former French ambassador to Algeria reveal that politicians and diplomats in Parisian salons are trying to reduce the crisis between the two countries to the issue of Sansal and migration, completely ignoring the core of the issue, which is the illegal and immoral stance of the French president on the Sahrawi issue, which bypassed the United Nations and international law, and dealt a fatal blow to the rapprochement between the two capitals before that by aligning with a decaying theocratic regime inherited from medieval times, and had to pay the price for it.
Observers in Algeria are almost unanimous that retreating before France corrects its position on the Sahrawi issue would be madness, because what the French are trying to impose on Algeria is a remedy for the repercussions of a wrong and ill-considered French decision, not the core of the issue that the far right and its media outlets are brazenly trying to ignore.
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