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كتب الشروق أونلاين French Warnings Regarding the Algerian-American Military Agreement..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد English French Warnings Regarding the Algerian American Military AgreementHacene Houicha English version Dalila Henache2025 03 1440French political circles have expressed... , نشر في الجمعة 2025/03/14 الساعة 07:33 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة التفاصيل ومشاهدتها الان .


French Warnings Regarding the Algerian-American Military Agreement

Hacene Houicha / English version: Dalila Henache




French political circles have expressed evident concern and dismay over the Algerian-American military rapprochement, recently embodied in a cooperation agreement signed between the Algerian Ministry of Defense and the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM).

They believe that Trump’s America is strengthening its relations with Algeria at a time when the crisis with France is worsening.

French concern and disquiet over this military agreement were expressed during a debate in the National Assembly (the lower house of Parliament) held on March 11, 2025, the content of which is checked out by Echorouk, was partly devoted to French-Algerian relations and included concerns raised by MPs regarding the repercussions of the diplomatic crisis between the two countries, addressed to Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot.

In this context, MP Stéphane Peu, of the Democratic and Republican Left, said in his intervention that …” it is time to realize that a policy of confrontation is a dead end and is worsening an already very worrying situation”, referring to the right-wing and far-right movements within the French government pushing for further escalation of relations with Algeria,

MP Stéphane Peu considered that “this strategy is all the more dangerous given that, at the same time, Trump’s America is signing a military and strategic agreement with Algiers”, referring to the choice of some French politicians to exacerbate relations with Algeria, a situation that is becoming increasingly dangerous at a time when relations between Algeria and Washington are strengthening.

The same MP called on his Foreign Minister, Jean-Noël Barrot, to ensure that France speaks with one voice regarding relations with Algeria, given what he described as “the historic relations that bind our two countries across the Mediterranean deserve, at the very least, that France speaks with one voice. Diplomacy must prevail”, in a clear reference to Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau’s statements, which each time further strain relations.

The MP addressed the French Foreign Minister, asking, “How do you intend to act?” wondering about the way to restore warmth to relations between the two countries. This was a reference to silencing extremist voices that further worsened relations between the two countries, while Algeria and Washington are strengthening their ties.

According to MP Stéphane Peu; “Since the summer of 2024, diplomatic relations between France and Algeria have continued to deteriorate and the areas of discord are accumulating”, including “France’s support for the Moroccan autonomy plan for Western Sahara despite UN decisions”, was also accompanied by the French authorities’ “passivity in the face of racism and revisionism which invade public and media debate” regarding Algeria.

He explained that “never since Algeria’s independence has the crisis between Paris and Algiers been so serious. Despite the demanding and respectful dialogue advocated by President Macron, the French government speaks primarily through the voice of those who prefer to shed what remains of Gaullism to better pursue the far right”.

He emphasized that “this escalation is fracturing French society; it stigmatizes and harms millions of our fellow citizens who are linked in one way or another to Algeria. In the name of the shared history of our two peoples, for peace and the reconciliation of memories.”


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